Charmilles Geared Teker X, U û V-tevra, Pulley HTD 130003842, 100447868, 447.868, 100540012, 540.012

Charmilles Geared wheel X, U and V-axis, Pulley HTD 130003842, 100447868, 447.868, 100540012, 540.012

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Navê hilberê: Charmilles Geared wheel X, U and V-axis, Pulley HTD 130003842, 100447868, 447.868, 100540012, 540.012

Modela makîneyê: Charmilles FI 190, Charmilles FI 290, Charmilles FI 290 P, Charmilles FI 300, Charmilles FI 310, Charmilles FI 500, Charmilles FI 510

OEM No.: 130003842, 100447868, 447.868, 100540012, 540.012

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